Online Catalog Nice



Nice Spare Parts

Welcome to Nice Spare Parts, the website of Nice SpA dedicated to the management and distribution of original spare parts globally, in order to guarantee the functionality and reliability of Nice products.

The range of products goes from Gate up to Door and Alarm, thus spacing through all the main lines and accessories by supplying any spares which may be needed.

In order to guarantee the quality of our products and to maintain both their reliability and performances, the use of original spare parts and accessories is always highly recommended by Nice.

How to identify a Nice product

On the casing of any Nice product you will find a silver sticker, as you can see in Fig.1. For some products, for example sliding gate motors, you can find it by removing the upper cover. Within the specifics of the product, the serial number and the date of production are the most important.

The sticker, when dealing with electronic parts, as shown by Fig.2, only refers to the date of production and its serial number.

Spare parts kits for repairing and maintaining Nice products.

Nice Spare parts kits include every original component needed for appropriately repairing a faulty product. This way, you won’t need to worry and make a list. By ordering a single code, you will receive what you need, saving time and therefore reducing costs. For all kits which need any precise assembling requirements, the kit will be preassembled, simplifying the procedure for you.